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This was really fun to play!
I would be curious to see how you structured this type of game in C3.

Can this demo be made downloadable?

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well i am impressed on your work. i hope you can one day put daleks in this game.

impressive game

I decided to come back to the demo because when I played it the first time there was no music and things felt a little empty, now that there is music in the game it makes things so much better.

Are There Any Weeping Angels???

Outstanding graphics! I rly love it! I played thru it and i rly want to see more (my first blind run on it:

I tried to check your YT channel, but your link seams to be broken?


Thanks for this nice little demo, WELL DONE!

Loved it! Hopefully we can see more soon!

Played through! Thank you so, so much for making this! Simply awesome! The music, art and writing are all spot on! Can't wait for more!

I did ran into a small bug where I took the lift up to the top floor, and the graphics for the foreground of the big cyber-doors appears to be missing. (The battery cell on the right is still highlighted and can be accessible) Hope this helps!)

I meant to write this comment ages ago but had forgotten.

I easily fell in love with this little demo, it's hard to find Doctor Who games these days and this one was extremely enjoyable, I can't wait for the full release.

Oh my, thanks so much for playing! I've not seen too many Let's Plays of the demo so this is amazing to me.

Really pleased you enjoyed it, if you're interested, you can follow progress on the full game via devlogs here, or on my YouTube channel

Thanks again!

This is brilliant. What a great idea. Thanks for your efforts on this. I can't wait to play the final version eventually! 

Looks very nice but plenty of basics need done:
1. Using TAB in early stage crashes Doctor movement
2. Thought same thing had happened to K9 but you can't move K9, why not?
3. Allow the player agency, rather than telling them what to do
4. When player does have agency, it often doesn't work as you can't drop your inventory onto an object if you are standing over the object
5. No text on inventory items to identify them
6. Dialogue doesn't suit the Doctor, characterisation sounds like a hysterical assistant or teenager. Especially the last line about the Doctor sending K9. The Doctor knows he has multiple time-travelling selves. The Doctor typically has an all-knowing, unphased mindset.
7. Would prefer atmospheric music to the epic runalong fast music style.
Having said all this, any new adventure game is great in my book.

Thank you for the feedback :).

Please bear in mind that this demo is well over year old now, so a lot of these issues are no longer present in the current build. No idea why you weren't able to move K9, I've never had that crop up myself.

That being said, think we'll have to agree to disagree on some of those points. On the dialogue, it's about the Doctor showing some kind of emotion. Maybe its a bit erratic in parts for sure, but without emotion you're just gonna end up with a load of pretty mundane and generic responses to things.

Just my suggestions. It doesn't have to be emotionless, but he tends to speak more sophisticatedly. The voice here sounds more like Guybrush Threepwood or the guy from Broken Sword, for instance. It doesn't have to be devoid of emotion - for example, when he hears another Doctor has been in communication with K9, 'Interesting!' He tends to be philosophical: 'The thing about impressive doors is they are usually the gateway to something important'. Or uses a lot of jargon, due to his scientific knowledge 'It's a cyber-psudellian 6Y locking system. Where's your skeleton transverser when you need it?' Or he waxes lyrical about his journeys, 'More sticky than the jaws of an Alazarian arachnid.'..

Oh absolutely, I agree with all of that.

I went back over the dialogue, the moment when K9 says that he was sent by another Doctor and the reply from the player Doctor is 'WHAT!?'....It's really just a play on the fact that the 10th Doctor has the whole 'what....WHAT........WHAT!?' catchphrase throughout his run.

Any news? its been a while. is this still planned or is the game cancelled?


Hi, yeah unfortunately I've just not had enough time to work on the project for various reasons, so it is on hold for now.

Please promise me you'll finish this because this is simplyamazing 😭

just stumbled across this looking for a doctor who game. this is incredible! really hope you can make a full version.

I loved everything about the demo! I really hope that you will be able to do a full release without any legal trouble

hows it going? any news?

Still a way from a full release, but progress is being made. I'll be sharing an update on things around the 60th Anniversary on 23rd November.

any update?

Sure! Head over to my YouTube channel for the latest updates :)

this is honestly one of the projects im most excited to see, i keep coming back to check if theres been any announcement or update. awesome to see you are doing a dev log now, the game honestly looks great, and i cannot wait to see it fully. i find it infinitely funny that an indie dev may give us a genuinely great doctor who game before the bbc do. If i had to guess about the villains of levels, level 1 is obvious since its in the title, an I assume Red planet rescue is probably going to be ice warriors (could be the flood probably not) and would assume level 3 is weeping angels. if i had to make a guess on level 4, id say probably something to do with daleks given that its a doctor who game so you sort of have to include daleks somewhere, with level 5 maybe being multiple villains  if its a deathzone type thing, what with the timescoop, or saving daleks till last.

cannot wait to see more of this, keep up the good work, it looks fantastic!

Thank you so much for the kind words. It is really appreciated.

I have to admit, this isn't my first rodeo with Doctor Who in games, as I actually worked as a designer on the Doctor Who content in LEGO Dimensions. I'm hoping I can carry that experience forward to make this fan game something special for the community to enjoy.

If I can make a game that at least gives an impression of the potential that I believe Doctor Who has in the games space, then I'll be happy :).

Great game. I'm excited to see more of the second level four.

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Great game. I'm excited to see more of the second level three

great game i,m excited  to see more of the second level too


Great game. I'm excited to see more of the second level.

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UPDATE: Work is well and truly underway on other levels of the game, so I wanted to share a little teaser screenshot from the 2nd level, which will be set on a late 19th century train...

Any news on this, I played it not long after the demo first released and am interested to know if theres any further news about the development or if its cancelled or anything like that. Games great so far and I can't wait for the full version!

Hi there,

It's definitely not cancelled! Progress is just a bit slow but work is happening on further levels at the moment. The plan was to try and deliver a full version in time for the 60th Anniversary in November, but that may slip by a month or so.

Thanks for the interest and I'm glad you enjoyed the demo!

Awesome, Glad to hear its not cancelled, the demo is genuinely more impressive and polished than the official games have been, I can't wait to see how the full version turns out!

Timelords: Doctorin' the Tardis/10 please make it into a game

The best doctor who fan game of all time, very excited for the future.

will there be more?

Great work, perfect point and click flavor, great animations, nailed the Dr. Who elements also. Hope you continue. (Also nice use of C3.)

Loved the game, it was nicely done. Great job.

Watch video here: 

Looks great though I'd prefer it to be downloadable instead of only available in browser.

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yes me too, I hope the full game will be

